Women complained for poor cooperation receiving from Gov’t

Scores of Women who are working in industry sector have complained for receiving no cooperation from Government side despite of facing huge daily problems.
Meanwhile officials in Ministry of Commerce and Industry have stated that programs for supporting those women who are working in industry sector are underway.
Head of the Parwan province industrial department Anisa Nadiri said,” We have more than hundreds women who are working in handicrafts and are complaining from having no access to markets.”
Same problem goes to those Women who are working in handicrafts sections in Herat province.
Responsible to Women working in handicraft in Herat Hanifa said,” Hundreds of women are facing same problems and this has demoralized them for continuing to their jobs, this needs to be worked out.”
Meanwhile Nangarhar industrial responsible for Women Manhaj Munir said,” We have continued to produce our products as International standards but foreigner’s products have always provided problems in Nangarhar.”
Bamyan industrial production responsible for Women Uzrah said,” More Women are working on the economy sector but due to poor or sometimes no cooperation it faced them huge problems.”
Though problems shared with the Officials in Ministry of commerce and industry but its not clear when the programs will be ready to benefit those women at the entire country.