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Wolesi Jirga passes commercial laws; Compliments Holy Quran recitation winners and Cricket team that reached the 2015 World Games competition
The House of Representatives gave official recognition to Ahmad Reshad and Ziaullah for winning the first prize in recitation of the Holy Quran at an international competition in Saudi Arabia and Egypt.
They also gave official recognition to the Cricket team that reached the World Games of 2015.
Qari Ahmad Reshad won the first prize among the 121 countries competing in Egypt and Ziaullah won the first prize among the 60 countries competing in Jeddah.
Recently, the Afghan National Cricket team won first place in their stage competition and will travel to the World Cricket games of 2015 in Australia.
Abdul Raof Ibrahimi, President of Wolesi Jirga, said, “On behalf of the Parliament members, once again I congratulate the winning of Afghan National Cricket team.”
Shahzada Masood, the head of Afghanistan Cricket board requested that the government provide them with better training opportunities so that they can also win the first place at the world competitions.
The Wolesi Jirga in this meeting also approved the scheme of commercial law in 5 chapters and 34 articles.