White House rejects assertion that there are US-Taliban secret talks

White House has rejected Karzai’s remarks regarding secret talks between the US and the Taliban, saying such statements won’t impact America’s policy towards Afghanistan.
In a recent gathering in Kabul, President Hamid Karzai made a speech in which he said there were secret talks between the US and the Taliban and also claimed that America wanted access to Afghanistan’s mines.
Following these statements, the US issued a statement through President Obama’s press secretary that denied any merit to President Karzai’s assertions.
“Any statement regarding America having secret talks with the Taliban is baseless. Our defense secretary Chuck Hegel has already met with President Karzai in this respect. America in the last two decades has sacrificed a lot and has spent a lot of money for Afghanistan’s stability,” White House spokesman Jay Carney said.
Carney added such statements would not change America’s policy towards Afghanistan and its people.
Referring to the continued presence of US military in Afghanistan, the White House spokesman said, “Since NATO troops are leaving Afghanistan by the end of year 2014, the United States will be looking for discussions regarding its troops’ presence in this country. Our main purpose in Afghanistan is to defeat and destroy the al-Qaeda network.”
A number of Afghan Parliamentarians suggested that tensions in relations with the US are not in the best interests of the people.