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US State Department ‘not surprised’ IEA skipped UN meeting in Doha



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The US State Department said on Tuesday that Washington was not surprised that the Islamic Emirate did not participate in the second Doha meeting that was held in Qatar this week.

State spokesman Matthew Miller said in a press conference that the Islamic Emirate is not the only one that has a role in the future of Afghanistan, but the United States will continue to support all Afghans, including women and girls.

Miller said preventing Afghanistan from becoming a center of terrorist activities, forming an inclusive government, and respecting human rights, especially women’s rights, are among the goals they want to achieve in Afghanistan.

Meanwhile, Karen Decker, the charge d’affaires of the US Embassy for Afghanistan, which is based in Doha, said on X that Washington’s commitment to the Afghan people and civil society has been strong and that the US wants to hear more Afghans’ opinions about the future of their country.

Decker expressed her gratitude to the United Nations and Qatar for hosting the meeting participants.

This comes after the Islamic Emirate turned down an invitation to attend the meeting.

Deputy Prime Minister for Political Affairs Mawlavi Abdul Kabir says the Islamic Emirate wants a meaningful presence in future UN-sponsored meetings on Afghanistan.

A day after the two-day Doha meeting wrapped up, Kabir said the IEA’s absence at the meeting did not mean Kabul’s relations with the international community are “gloomy”.

Kabir said the IEA is trying to have a “positive and meaningful” presence in future UN meetings.

In a meeting with the Japanese ambassador, Kabir said the Islamic Emirate had been ready to attend the Doha meeting but had set conditions which were not met. He said the “designers” of the meeting missed this opportunity.


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