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UN Security Council urges the world to fight international threats

The members of the Security Council condemned in the strongest terms the continued attacks targeting civilians in Afghanistan, including the attack against the Guzargah mosque in Herat on Friday which killed at least 18 people and injured several more.
According to a statement published on Saturday, the members of the Security Council reaffirmed that terrorism in all its forms and manifestations constitutes to be one of the most serious threats to international peace and security.
The members of the Security Council underlined the need to hold perpetrators, organizers, financiers and sponsors of these acts accountable and bring them to justice.
The UNSC urged all member states to cooperate actively with all relevant authorities in this regard.
In the meantime, the Islamic Emirate has also said that 98% of the elements that target religious scholars have been destroyed and attempts are underway to completely destroy these elements.
“The Islamic Emirate is so serious against such elements and these criminals are eradicated to 98 percent; and the criminals are under the Islamic Emirate’s persecution and they will not be left behind unless to be punished,” said Bilal Karimi, deputy spokesman of the Islamic Emirate.
A number of military experts believe that considering the recent attacks on religious places and targeted assassinations of Islamic Emirate scholars, they should develop a comprehensive security solution that can guarantee the safety of clerics.
“The locals should cooperate with the security organs and also our intelligence departments must be active in order to prevent such attacks,” said Sarwar Niazi, a military analyst.
According to experts, security measures, especially intelligence activities, should be increased to prevent human attacks.