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UN-led Doha meeting with IEA not about recognition, says UN

The UN-led meeting aims to engage with the Islamic Emirate on various issues including engagement going forward, along with sessions on private sector business and counter-narcotics.



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A United Nations-led meeting with Afghanistan’s Islamic Emirate (IEA) in Qatar this weekend will not be a discussion about international recognition of the group, the UN political affairs chief Rosemary DiCarlo said on Wednesday.

The meeting, which will also be attended by envoys from some 25 countries, will be the third such meeting in Doha and gets underway on June 30.

It will however be the first time the IEA attends the meeting.

“This is not a meeting about recognition. This is not a meeting to lead to recognition … Having engagement doesn’t mean recognition,” DiCarlo told reporters.

“This isn’t about the Taliban (Islamic Emirate). This is about Afghanistan and the people.”

The UN-led meeting aims to engage with the Islamic Emirate on various issues including engagement going forward, along with sessions on private sector business and counter-narcotics.

This UN official also says that the work on appointing a UN special representative for Afghanistan is currently pending and will not be discussed in the Doha meeting.

According to DiCarlo, for this, the support of all 15 members of the Security Council of this organization is needed, but the issue of appointing a special representative for Afghanistan is not over, and she wants the United Nations to take steps in this regard.

It was expected that the appointment of a special representative would also be discussed at the third Doha meeting.

Meanwhile, Roza Otunbayeva, the head of the United Nations Deputy Mission in Afghanistan or UNAMA met with Amir Khan Muttaqi, Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs in Kabul and discussed the points of the agenda and other issues including the composition of the delegation of the Islamic Emirate at the Doha meeting.

In a statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the head of UNAMA was quoted as saying she considered the Doha meeting to be a suitable opportunity for the parties to express their views on issues related to Afghanistan.

Matthew Miller, the spokesperson of the United States Department of State, says that the US special representatives for Afghanistan, Thomas West and Rina Amiri, will participate in the third Doha meeting, and the purpose of the US presence in this meeting is to emphasize the need for the current government of Afghanistan to fulfill its commitments.

“America will participate in this meeting. Both our special representative for Afghanistan, Thomas West, and the US special representative for Afghan women and girls, Rina Amiri, will participate in this meeting.

“We participate in this meeting to pressure the Taliban (Islamic Emirate) together with the international community to fulfill their obligations to the Doha Agreement, including their behavior towards women,” said Miller.

Previously, Rina Amiri, the US special representative for women, girls and human rights in Afghanistan, said that until the issue of human rights is included in the agenda of the future talks in Afghanistan, conflicts will continue in this country.

Rights groups have however criticized the UN for not having Afghan women at the table with the Islamic Emirate in Doha.

But UN officials and the country envoys attending the meeting are due to meet separately with Afghan civil society groups.

Zabihullah Mujahid, the IEA’s spokesman, will lead Afghanistan’s delegation to the meeting.

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Third Doha meeting on Afghanistan gets underway in Qatar

Chairing the meeting on behalf of the UN Secretary General, Rosemary DiCarlo, the under-secretary general, said Sunday she is pleased that the Islamic Emirate sent a delegation to attend the meeting.



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The UN-led meeting on Afghanistan got underway early Sunday, bringing together special envoys of numerous countries, along with United Nations representatives and a delegation from the Islamic Emirate.

The two-day meeting will address the banking and financial situation as well as the fight against drugs in Afghanistan.

Chairing the meeting on behalf of the UN Secretary General, Rosemary DiCarlo, the under-secretary general, said Sunday she is pleased that the Islamic Emirate sent a delegation to attend the meeting.

DiCarlo said: “I am happy that we have the relevant delegations with us in this meeting, we have the governing authorities with us for the first time.”

While delegates will discuss the situation in Afghanistan over these two days, the issue of women’s education and work has also attracted the attention of the media.

“True facts are not reflected from Kabul. Even now, if you go to Kabul, you will see that girls are studying in dar-ul-ulum (religious school),” said Suhail Shaheen, head of the political office of the Islamic Emirate in Qatar.

At the same time, on the sidelines of this meeting, Zabihullah Mujahid, the head of the delegation of the Islamic Emirate, met with the representatives of Russia, Uzbekistan and India, and these countries expressed their support for the position of the Islamic Emirate.

“In these meetings, the expansion of relations between Afghanistan and these countries has been discussed.

Mawlavi Abdul Kabir, the political deputy prime minister of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA), also considered this meeting valuable due to the presence of the delegation of the Islamic Emirate as a responsible government and said that such meetings are a good opportunity to interact with the world,” he said.

Suhail Shaheen, head of the political office of the Islamic Emirate in Qatar, told Ariana News that the expectation of the Islamic Emirate from the third meeting in Doha is that the world should understand the realities of Afghanistan and abandon the policy of pressure and confrontation.


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Afghanistan’s central bank chief leaves for Djibouti to attend IFSB meeting

Da Afghanistan Bank, central banks of Islamic countries, Islamic banks, and international institutions are members of the IFSB.



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Acting Governor of Da Afghanistan Bank (DAB), Hedayatullah Badri, has left for Djibouti to attend the 22nd annual meeting of the Islamic Financial Services Board (IFSB).

The annual meeting of the board will be held on July 1 and 2 by the IFSB and Djibouti’s central bank to discuss and approve the previous year’s executions and financial reports of the board, DAB said in a statement.

Additionally, the IFSB member countries will discuss plans and practical measures regarding Islamic banking standards, sound management of financial institutions and banks, the role of digitization on Islamic banking, and the promotion of Islamic finance and banking at the international level.

The International Financial Services Board (IFSB) is an international institution that adopts and disseminates the standards to improve the soundness and stability of the Islamic financial services industry.

The standards are adopted within the framework of Sharia law in the banking, financial markets, and insurance sectors for the institutions operating in the Islamic financial services industry.

Da Afghanistan Bank, central banks of Islamic countries, Islamic banks, and international institutions are members of the IFSB.



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Back from UAE, IEA officials say numerous countries keen to expand ties

Emphasizing the need for good and positive interaction with all countries, Mawlawi Abdul Kabir said that in light of the comprehensive political policy, the Islamic Emirate wants to interact and expand relations with all countries.



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Acting Interior Minister Sirajuddin Haqqani and Intelligence Chief Abdul Haq Wasiq on Saturday said their recent visit to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) had been key to developing relations, and that a large number of countries are interested in expanding relations with the Islamic Emirate.

Haqqani and Wasiq made the remarks during a meeting with Mawlawi Abdul Kabir, the political deputy prime minister.

They recalled their efforts to ensure permanent security and said that good coordination between institutions and the comprehensive security plan have ensured security for the people.

Emphasizing the need for good and positive interaction with all countries, Mawlawi Abdul Kabir said that in light of the comprehensive political policy, the Islamic Emirate wants to interact and expand relations with all countries.

He added that as a result of positive interaction, the relations of the Islamic Emirate with the world are developing and this demonstrates the political progress of the Islamic system.

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