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UN Eager ‘Anti-Corruption Justice Center’ Begins Work



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UNAMA     __09 - 08 - 2016 - DARI - SOT.mpg_snapshot_00.19_[2016.08.09_18.12.53]The United Nations (UN) is interested that the Anti-Corruption Criminal Justice Center begins working as soon as possible.

Michael Hartmann, UNAMA’s Rule of Law chief in a press conference in Kabul said that the international community is expected the Anti-Corruption Criminal Justice Center begins working.

“Creating an anti-corruption center is a positive step and the international community is eager this center begins working in the nearest time,” said Michael Hartmann, UNAMA’s Rule of Law chief.

In the meantime, President’s special representative in good governance said that the influence of powerful in the system is the main cause of corruption.

“The influential figures had illicit use from their influences,” said Ahmad Zia Masoud, President’s special representative in good governance.

Afghanistan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI) has also voiced concern over the current situation of the country.

“Around 35 traders kidnapped in one month from Kabul, Herat, Mazar and Jalalabad,” said Khan Jan Alkozay, deputy of ACCI.

On June 30, 2016, after two years of discussions held among the leaders of the national unity government, Afghanistan inaugurated a center to fight corruption in the country.

t the opening ceremony for the new center, the President of Afghanistan, Mohammad Ashraf Ghani, emphasized that “the establishment of this center shows the strong political will of the government to combat corruption.

In his statement, the President acknowledged the widespread corruption in Afghanistan and stressed that the center should rigorously enforce the law and prosecute corruption crimes.

Corruption has affected every aspect of the Afghan society and brought a bad name to Afghanistan.

Afghan political analysts believe that a decrease in corruption will increase the trust of the international community in Afghanistan—pledging more financial assistance to Afghanistan.  It will also encourage Afghan and foreign businessmen to invest in this country.


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