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UN calls ‘gender apartheid’ in Afghanistan a key concern

Addressing a press conference, Haq said the UN does not see the Islamic Emirate as the legal and official government of Afghanistan.



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UN Secretary-General’s Deputy Spokesperson Farhan Haq has called gender apartheid in Afghanistan a key concern and called for the rights of Afghan women to be respected.

Addressing a press conference, Haq said the UN does not see the Islamic Emirate as the legal and official government of Afghanistan.

Earlier, Richard Bennett, the special rapporteur for human rights of the United Nations, warned at the 56th meeting of the United Nations Security Council that violence against Afghan women has become strong and widespread under the control of the Islamic Emirate.

“We want to ensure that women’s rights in Afghan society are respected just as they are necessary everywhere in the world,” said Haq.

He called gender apartheid in Afghanistan a key concern.

In response to Bennett’s recommendation that the IEA should not be treated as the legal and official government, Haq said: “We treat them [IEA] as the de facto authorities, they are not treated as the recognised government of Afghanistan.”

Bennett warned at the 56th session of the UN Human Rights Council that violence against Afghan women under IEA control has become strong and widespread.

He described the exclusion of women from public life and the deprivation of Afghan women and girls from work and education as crimes against humanity and gender apartheid.

Bennett called on the international community to stop legitimizing and normalizing relations with the IEA and not to treat the IEA as a legitimate government.

This is while the Islamic Emirate has rejected any violation of women’s rights under its rule in Afghanistan and considers the concerns in this case to be groundless.



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International community slowly accepting IEA’s authority in Afghanistan: Russian envoy

The Russian diplomat also said he would “most definitely” talk to the IEA delegation on the sidelines of the coming meeting in Qatar. 



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The world is coming to realize that the ّIslamic Emirate is legitimately in charge in Afghanistan, something that Russia acknowledged long ago, Russian Special Presidential Representative for Afghanistan Zamir Kabulov said.

“Of course, [the world] is becoming aware of this fact. And Russia was ahead of the curve here. Better late than never,” Kabulov said when asked by TASS news agency if the international community is aware of the fact that it has to do business with the IEA as a government.

The Afghan crisis will be the focus of the upcoming UN meeting in the Qatari capital Doha, scheduled for June 28.

Commenting on Russia’s expectations ahead of the meeting, Kabulov said: “In our opinion, this meeting will be useful if it contributes to reviving close and constructive cooperation between the international community and the Afghan authorities, primarily for resolving the social and economic problems the country and its people are facing.”

The Russian diplomat also said he would “most definitely” talk to the IEA delegation on the sidelines of the coming meeting in Qatar. 


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Trump tells Biden withdrawal from Afghanistan was ‘most embarrassing day’ in US history

“I was getting out of Afghanistan, but we were getting out with dignity, with strength, with power,” Trump said.



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Former US President Donald Trump in a presidential debate on CNN hit out at his successor and current President Joe Biden over America’s global stature which he said is like a “third world nation” today and said Washington is not “respected” anymore.

Trump termed the US withdrawal from Afghanistan as the “most embarrassing day” in the country’s history.

“Throughout the entire world, we are not respected anymore, they don’t respect our leadership, they don’t respect United States anymore. We are like a third-world nation, trying to weaponization of his election, going after his political opponent. All of the things he has done, we have become like a third-world nation. It’s a shame,” Trump said.

Trump said his administration also sought to get US troops out of Afghanistan, but with dignity.

“I was getting out of Afghanistan, but we were getting out with dignity, with strength, with power,” Trump said.

US troop withdrawal from Afghanistan was completed in August 2021 under the Biden administration.

In the debate, Biden defended his pullout of Afghanistan.

“The idea that he did something significant for the military, when he was president they were still killing people in Afghanistan – he didn’t do anything about that,” he said.

“When he was president we still found ourselves in a position where you had a notion that we were this safe country.

“The truth is, I’m the only president this century, that doesn’t have any – this decade – that doesn’t have any troops dying anywhere in the world, like he did,” Biden said.


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Australia donates $2.6 million to Afghanistan



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The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) announced on Friday that Australia has donated $2.6 million to Afghanistan.

OCHA said in a post on X that the aid will be given to the Afghanistan Humanitarian Fund (AHF) for 2024.

The institution added that Australia is a multi-year as well as a regular donor that has contributed over AUD 74 million to the AHF since the Fund’s inception.

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