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U.S. Transfers 15 Guantanamo Detainee To UAE



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getmoThree Afghan prisoners and 12 Yemenis have been transferred to the United Arab Emirates from the Guantanamo Bay.

“The United States is grateful to the government of the United Arab Emirates for its humanitarian gesture and willingness to support ongoing US efforts to close Guantanamo,” the Pentagon said in a statement on Monday.

According to the reports, the 3 Afghan prisoners are Mohammed Kamin, Hamid Al-Razak (Aka Haji Hamidullah), and Obaidullah.

Since the 9/11 attacks in New York, about 780 inmates have been kept at Guantanamo.     

Once freed, former prisoners are usually subject to supervision and what are called rehabilitation programs.

One of those transferred was an Afghan called Obaidullah, who was allegedly to have planted land mines in 2001. He was held for 14 years without trial.                   

Obama wants to close the facility before he leaves office at the start of next year but has been continually opposed by Republican lawmakers.     

Reports suggest that currently there are about 61 inmates left in the Guantanamo and Obama’s administration is pushing to empty the base by January 2017.


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