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Transport ministry reports on achievements for past solar year

Last week, Reuters reported that a number of international airlines are now routing planes over Afghanistan in light of the war in the Ukraine and the heightened tension in the Middle East.



A total of 12,503 flights were conducted from the country’s airports in 1402, the last solar year (April 2023 to March 2024), facilitating the travel of almost 1.9 million people, officials confirmed Monday.

Addressing a press conference, officials from the ministry of transport and aviation said the total number of people through Afghanistan’s airports was 1,897,273. Of these, 774,700 people traveled domestically while 1,122,583 traveled abroad.

In addition, 40,016 flights flew over Afghan airspace, which was an increase against the previous year.

Last week, Reuters reported that a number of international airlines are now routing planes over Afghanistan in light of the war in the Ukraine and the heightened tension in the Middle East.

Officials meanwhile added on Monday that in the past year, 1402, at least 547,038 cargo vehicles transported goods from Afghanistan to Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Iran, and Pakistan, while 434,709 cargo vehicles entered Afghanistan from neighboring and regional countries.

In addition, 421,895 cargo vehicles and 3,722,283 passenger vehicles traveled between provinces during this time.

According to the officials the ministry successfully facilitated the safe transportation of 30,000 pilgrims to Saudi Arabia for Hajj and ensured their safe return to Afghanistan.

Other significant achievements by the ministry in the past year include the improvement of Khost Airport into an international airport, along with the provision of services to Ariana Afghan Airlines, Kam Air, and eight other international airlines.

In the aviation sector, the ministry implemented 18 development projects, trained 112 individuals at the Civil Aviation Institute, recruited 150 students, and filled about 500 vacant posts.

To enhance operational efficiency, 66 capacity-building training programs were conducted over the past year, and professional staff were deployed to airports across the country to ensure the delivery of appropriate and standard services.

The ministry also facilitated the free repatriation of tens of thousands of returnees from Spin Boldak, Torkham, and Kabul to their home regions.

Furthermore, the Ministry of Urban Development and Housing has transferred more than 3,500 jeribs of land in Kabul province to the Ministry of Transport and Aviation for the construction of standard transportation terminals.

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IEA confirms 14 civilians killed in attack

Mujahid said on X that six others were wounded in the attack.



Zabihullah Mujahid, the spokesman of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) confirmed on Friday that 14 civilians were killed in an attack in an area between Daikundi and Ghor provinces.

Mujahid said on X that six others were wounded in the attack.

He called the attack "brutal" and strongly condemned it.

Mujahid said that the Islamic Emirate was seriously trying to find the perpetrators of the incident and bring them to justice.

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Haqqani: We should use knowledge instead of force in calling people to truth

He also stressed on preventing the misuse of public resources.



Acting Interior Minister Sirajuddin Haqqani has stressed that an investigation should be conducted before any decision and that knowledge should be used instead of force in calling people to the path of truth.

Haqqani made the remarks at a capacity-building seminar for officials in eastern Kunar province.

"Positions and responsibilities are temporary, but people's trust is a great thing to be kept safe,” he said. “Transparency and purity in governing and serving are our foundations, and we must protect ourselves from seeking fame, materialism and seeking position, and keep spirituality high so that Allah’s help is not lost.”

Highlighting the importance of unity, Haqqani said: "The enemies are afraid of our unity, so we must avoid suspicion. Always make decisions after investigation and invite people to the truth with intellectual and mental knowledge instead of force.”

He also stressed on preventing the misuse of public resources.

"Avoid extravagance, take care of state resources and vehicles and refrain from irresponsible use of public resources," he said.

Meanwhile, Acting Minister of Propagation of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, Mohammad Khalid Hanafi, said that the Islamic Emirate is a special Islamic system in which the dignity of scholars, students, and religious people is protected.

He also emphasized on maintaining unity and treating people well.

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Turkmenistan delivers 930 tons of food and non-food aid to Afghanistan



Afghanistan's National Disaster Management Authority said on Thursday it had received more than 930 tons of food and non-food aid from Turkmenistan.

The aid consignment included 198 tons of wheat, 15 tons of non-alcoholic beverages, 2,000 cans of baby food, 5,000 kilograms of sweets and biscuits, 195 tons of chemical fertilizers, 174 tons of diesel oil, 168 tons of petrol oil and 183 tons of cement, ANDMA said in a statement.

Meanwhile, the Turkmen Foreign Ministry said the aid was provided on the occasion of the start of construction of the Serhetabat-Herat gas pipeline, power transmission lines, transport and communication on the Turkmen-Afghan border.

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