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Third Doha meeting on Afghanistan gets underway in Qatar

Chairing the meeting on behalf of the UN Secretary General, Rosemary DiCarlo, the under-secretary general, said Sunday she is pleased that the Islamic Emirate sent a delegation to attend the meeting.



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The UN-led meeting on Afghanistan got underway early Sunday, bringing together special envoys of numerous countries, along with United Nations representatives and a delegation from the Islamic Emirate.

The two-day meeting will address the banking and financial situation as well as the fight against drugs in Afghanistan.

Chairing the meeting on behalf of the UN Secretary General, Rosemary DiCarlo, the under-secretary general, said Sunday she is pleased that the Islamic Emirate sent a delegation to attend the meeting.

DiCarlo said: “I am happy that we have the relevant delegations with us in this meeting, we have the governing authorities with us for the first time.”

While delegates will discuss the situation in Afghanistan over these two days, the issue of women’s education and work has also attracted the attention of the media.

“True facts are not reflected from Kabul. Even now, if you go to Kabul, you will see that girls are studying in dar-ul-ulum (religious school),” said Suhail Shaheen, head of the political office of the Islamic Emirate in Qatar.

At the same time, on the sidelines of this meeting, Zabihullah Mujahid, the head of the delegation of the Islamic Emirate, met with the representatives of Russia, Uzbekistan and India, and these countries expressed their support for the position of the Islamic Emirate.

“In these meetings, the expansion of relations between Afghanistan and these countries has been discussed.

Mawlavi Abdul Kabir, the political deputy prime minister of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA), also considered this meeting valuable due to the presence of the delegation of the Islamic Emirate as a responsible government and said that such meetings are a good opportunity to interact with the world,” he said.

Suhail Shaheen, head of the political office of the Islamic Emirate in Qatar, told Ariana News that the expectation of the Islamic Emirate from the third meeting in Doha is that the world should understand the realities of Afghanistan and abandon the policy of pressure and confrontation.


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IEA delegation meet envoys from regional countries on sidelines of Doha meeting

During the meetings, ways to enhance stability and peace in Afghanistan and support the aspirations of the Afghan people for a decent life were discussed, and the importance of the Doha process to achieve the desired progress was emphasized.



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Zabiullah Mujahid, spokesman for Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan said in a series of posts on X that he had constructive meetings with special envoys of regional countries and discussed mutual relations and how to further strengthen ties.

Mujahid said he had a constructive meeting with the special representative of Pakistan Asif Durrani and Pakistan’s ambassador and diplomats to Doha.

“We thank them for their hospitality and hope for good and constructive relations for both countries,” Mujahid said.

Earlier, Mujahid said a quadrilateral meeting between Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Qatar was held in Doha on Monday.

In this meeting, the Trans Afghanistan Railway Project, from Uzbekistan to Pakistan, was discussed.

All parties requested the early start and completion of this project, Mujahid said.

He also stated that he had met with Iranian special envoy Hassan Kazemi Qomi.

This meeting went well, said Mujahid, and that discussions had cenetered around the strengthening of ties and the overall importance of regional connectivity and cooperation.

The special envoy of Qatar’s minister of foreign affairs, Faisal bin Abdullah Al Hanzab meanwhile met separately with Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Afghanistan, Roza Otunbayeva;  Special Representative of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Afghanistan, Esmatullah Erkashev; and Special Envoy of Switzerland for Afghanistan Albert Grof.

During the meetings, ways to enhance stability and peace in Afghanistan and support the aspirations of the Afghan people for a decent life were discussed, and the importance of the Doha process to achieve the desired progress was emphasized.

Russian ambassador at the UN Vasily Nebenzya meanwhile said: “Taliban [IEA] is de facto authorities on Afghanistan, and we’ve been saying consistently that you have to recognize this fact and deal with them as such. Because whether you like it or not, but this movement is running the country now. And you cannot simply ignore that.”

Asked about how far Russia is from removing IEA from the sanctions list, ambassador Nebenzya said: “I cannot tell you a definite answer. But I heard some talks about it. But generally speaking, it is good that Taliban [IEA] was finally invited to Doha this time.”


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Mujahid sums up Doha meeting, says most countries willing to cooperate with Afghanistan

Speaking to Ariana News after the two-day meeting in the Qatari capital, Mujahid emphasized that the IEA was however adamant it would not allow any country to interfere in Afghanistan’s internal affairs.



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Zabihullah Mujahid, the spokesman of the Islamic Emirate, told Ariana News that the IEA realized at the Doha meeting that most countries are willing to help and cooperate with Afghanistan.

Speaking to Ariana News after the two-day meeting in the Qatari capital, Mujahid emphasized that the IEA was however adamant it would not allow any country to interfere in Afghanistan’s internal affairs.

He also said “the patrolling of planes in the airspace of Afghanistan is a violation and we have condemned it, and we do not accept it for any reason.”

According to him, there are some internal matters that “people have the right to have demands from their system and government, but we do not want these demands to be made by other countries.”

He said that at the third meeting in Doha, two issues were discussed: how to help and cooperate with Afghanistan’s private sector, and identify the challenges; and secondly assess achievements and challenges in the fight against drugs.

“The issue of alternative livelihoods (to drugs) that is presented to the people is a very important issue because Afghans have suffered a lot in the fight against drugs and millions of dollars have been lost to the people and Afghans are poor people and there is unemployment in the society. It is too much, and for this purpose, an economic mechanism must be created.”

Meanwhile in a post on X, Mujahid said: “Afghans’ message reached all the participants.”

He added: “Afghanistan needs the cooperation of countries in the private sector, and the fight against drugs and creating alternative livelihoods; most countries discussed cooperation in this sector.”

The two-day UN-led Doha meeting on Afghanistan wrapped up on Monday.

This was the third meeting of its kind but the first that the Islamic Emirate attended.


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China’s special envoy says Afghanistan finally holds fate in own hands

The third in a series of meetings brought together special envoys and representatives of over 25 countries and organizations to discuss various issues on Afghanistan.



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China’s special envoy for Afghanistan Yue Xiaoyong said after the two-day UN-led Doha meeting that he now realizes regional countries and the international community at large believe they should engage with the Islamic Emirate (IEA) so as to ensure sustainable peace and reconstruction.

Speaking to Ariana News in Doha, Yue said dialogue was important between the IEA and the foreign community.

“For the first time Afghanistan has the opportunity to hold fate of this county in their own hands without foreign occupations, so we only hope, and we do, Afghanistan and Afghan people can seize this historical opportunity to really realize peace, sustainable, permanent peace and stability, security and prosperity and also enjoy the good neighborhood relations with all the neighbors and with China and with the rest of the world and to enjoy the returning to the international community together,” Xiaoyong said.

Yue had been speaking to Ariana News after the UN-led Doha meeting wrapped up in the Qatari capital.

The third in a series of meetings brought together special envoys and representatives of over 25 countries and organizations to discuss various issues on Afghanistan.

For the first time, the ruling Islamic Emirate government attended the meeting.

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