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Taliban abduct acting district governor in Takhar



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The Taliban have abducted Ishkamish’s acting district governor in northern Takhar province.

Saif-u-Rahman, the Executive Director and Acting District Chief of Ishkamish was kidnapped by the militants at around 4 pm Thursday, sources said.

According to the sources, Saif-u-Rahman had left his office and was on his way home while the Taliban captured him.

Khalil Asir, a spokesman for Takhar police confirmed but denied to provide further details about the incident.

The Taliban yet comment in this regard.

It comes as clashes between Afghan security forces and the Taliban militants in Takhar have erupted in the past recent weeks.

More than 50 Afghan National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF) members were killed on Wednesday morning after the insurgents attacked the Government Operations Directorate in Baharak district and the Takhar Police Command center.

The government said Thursday that in response to the Taliban’s attack, the Afghan forces targeted a Taliban gathering at a mosque in Hazara Qarluq village in Takhar in which believed that at least 12 children were killed and 18 civilians were wounded.

First Vice President Amrullah Saleh, however, rejected claims, stating: “The news of the killing of children in the mosque in Takhar is baseless.”

Referring to Tuesday night’s attack by the Taliban in the same province – which left more than 50 Afghan national security force members dead – Saleh said: “Those who buried our forces yesterday have been destroyed and we have undeniable proof.”


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