The crackdown comes as PTI, under the direction of its founder Imran Khan, called for a protest at D-Chowk in Islamabad on October 4. In response,...
Police said seven officers were injured and receiving treatment in hospital from stones thrown by protesters.
He said talks between the Pakistani government and Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) would be in Islamabad's interest.
It crashed shortly after take-off in the volatile North Waziristan area near the Afghan border.
He also said that Pakistan seeks the earliest possible normalization of the situation in Afghanistan.
Russian foreign ministry said in a statement that the parties compared their approaches to the Afghanistan settlement.
The military did not provide the cost or quantity of jets agreed to, but said in a statement that the sale was part of Islamabad's efforts...
He said no country in the world, other than Pakistan, allowed refugees to live without proper documentation.
The IMF said the new program will require "sound policies and reforms" to strengthen macroeconomic stability and address structural challenges alongside "continued strong financial support from...
Trade relations between the two countries are also fractured, especially as the closure of trade routes in Pakistan has resulted in major financial losses for fresh...
The reported move comes as the political role of the agency faces intense scrutiny. One former ISI chief has been arrested for supporting the political cause...
The attack was claimed by the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP).
During the meeting, the importance of implementing the energy project “CASA-1000” for the region's countries was also stressed.
He emphasized the need for optimal utilization of resources to effectively achieve the objectives of the Commissionorate of Afghan Refugees.
He added that if the engagement with Afghanistan cannot be done at the international level, there should be at least regional engagement.
He said that a large number of policemen in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa have been killed in the fight against terrorism and if terrorism is not controlled, the...
He believed Pakistan needed to manage its terrorism problem domestically.
China will "firmly protect" Chinese companies' and individuals' rights and interests, Liu said.
Speaking at Pakistan's parliament, Asif said that provinces cannot directly engage in negotiation with any other country, as it is tantamount to direct attack on the...