Despite the rising odds, experts say there is no need for alarm
One of the biggest and brightest stars in the night sky will momentarily vanish as an asteroid passes in front of it to produce a one-of-a-kind...
NASA on Wednesday showed off its first asteroid samples delivered last month by a spacecraft — a jumble of black dust and rubble that’s the most...
A NASA space capsule carrying a sample of rocky material plucked from the surface of an asteroid three years ago hurtled toward Earth this weekend headed...
An asteroid big enough to wipe out a city will zip harmlessly between Earth and the moon’s orbit this weekend, missing both celestial bodies. Saturday’s close...
An asteroid the size of a delivery truck will whip past Earth on Thursday night, one of the closest such encounters ever recorded. NASA insists it...
Hurtling through the solar system at hypersonic speed on Monday, NASA’s DART spacecraft slammed itself into a distant asteroid in a test of the world’s first...
A NASA spacecraft will deliberately slam into an asteroid called Dimorphos in the early hours of Tuesday morning to see if this kind of kinetic impact...
This week two asteroids, one the size of a bus and the other the size of a car, passed by the Earth safely, the Center for...