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Security Institutions Failed to Protect Kunduz: Ariana News Findings



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 The recent findings of Ariana News from Kunduz war indicated that some of the local security departments didn’t stand seriously against Taliban to save Kunduz and not to be fallen into Taliban’s hands.

Based on the some of the video clips Taliban had entered National directorate of security department in Kunduz where it was already deserted.

Ariana News reporter who has been together with the investigative committee whom had been assigned by the president to pursue Kunduz fall reported that some of the officials in Kabul-Kunduz have neglected that Kunduz to be controlled by Taliban.

The findings also indicates that more than 100 Afghan security forces were arrested by Taliban, dozens of military cars were seized during 3 days of stay of Taliban in Kunduz city.

Ariana News reporter has also tried to film Kunduz fall,Kunduz police head quarter, NDS office and how Taliban enter into Kunduz jail and set free the prisoners.

Farooq Wardak one of the members of the investigative committee has said we have determined that which spots were blank,there will be some of the local officials who didn’t do much to save Kunduz city will be trialed and executed.”

 Members of the investigative committee have promised to share all their findings about Kunduz fall to president and Afghan Nation after they are done with their assignee work.

It will be declared that how many local officials have failed to protect Kunduz city and to be executed after the investigative committee members share their findings.

Reported by Nasrat Parsa


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