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Save the Children calls for schools to reopen for girls



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UK-based Save the Children organization has called on the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) to reopen schools for girls when the new academic year starts next week.

“Save the Children is calling for the ban to be lifted immediately and for girls to have full access to education when schools return on March 21,” a statement issued by the organization said.

This comes after an 18-month ban on girls above Grade 6 getting an education.

The child rights organization said “a failure by the Taliban to reverse this ban will drive up child marriage, exclude half of future generations from the workforce and entrench families further into poverty, having a profoundly damaging impact on the country’s future.”

Save the Children’s Acting Country Director for Afghanistan, Olivier Franchi, said: “Afghanistan is the only country in the world that has banned girls above sixth grade from education, yet girls here are striving for a better future, and they know the best path to success is through school. When their education is cut short, they face increased risk of early marriage, violence, abuse and other forms of exploitation.

“Every day that girls are out of school is a wasted day – not only for them, but also for communities in desperate need of skilled doctors and teachers, and for the long-term economic development of the entire country.

“It is critical that girls are not left behind when schools reopen. We urge the Taliban to allow girls to go back to school without any further delays.”


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