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Rights watchdog launches petition to end human rights violations in Afghanistan



Amnesty International has launched a global petition demanding the international community takes a stronger stance against what they say is human rights violations in Afghanistan.

In a statement issued by the watchdog’s South Asia office, Amnesty International said “the international response to hold the Taliban accountable, prevent human rights catastrophe and promote human rights in Afghanistan has been selective, symbolic and at times against fundamental principles of human rights.”

The watchdog called for unified and stronger actions to establish an accountability mechanism to hold the Islamic Emirate accountable for human rights abuses.

They also called for the use of “all forms of leverage to pressure the Taliban (IEA) to respect and protect the rights of women and girls, end gender persecution and enable the space for women’s meaningful participation in social, political and cultural spheres.”

In addition, Amnesty International called on the world to “take concrete measures towards addressing the practice of corporal punishment by the Taliban (IEA) and support the establishment of competent, independent and impartial formal justice mechanism to enable access to justice to the Afghanistan population, including women.”

The petition comes on the third anniversary of the Islamic Emirate’s rise to power.

On August 15, 2021, the Islamic Emirate regained control of the country after former president Ashraf Ghani fled Kabul and foreign troops ramped up efforts to withdraw from the country.

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Harris slams Trump for IEA negotiations

Harris said in her first election debate with Trump on Wednesday that Trump invited the leaders of the Islamic Emirate to Camp David at that time.



Kamala Harris, the Democrat’s candidate in the US presidential election, in her first election debate with Donald Trump, the Republican candidate, said that during his presidency, Trump bypassed the then government of Afghanistan and entered into negotiations with the Islamic Emirate.

Harris said in her first election debate with Trump on Wednesday that Trump invited the leaders of the Islamic Emirate to Camp David at that time.

According to Harris, this move by Trump shows that he did not value the dignity of the American presidency.

Harris also said that she agreed with Biden's decision to withdraw from Afghanistan.

In response to Harris's words, Trump said that the poor performance of the Biden administration in Afghanistan made Putin attack Ukraine.

The former American president also mentioned his phone call with Abdul Ghani Baradar and said after that call, the Islamic Emirate did not attack American forces for 18 months.

In another part of his speech, Trump criticized America's withdrawal from Afghanistan and said that not a single general was fired because of the chaotic withdrawal.

He also said : "If I were the president, the war in Ukraine would not have happened."

In his previous debate with Joe Biden, Donald Trump also criticized him for America's chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan.

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Work on Kabul-Ghazni highway’s second lane gets underway



Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar officially launched construction work on Tuesday of the second lane of the Kabul-Ghazni highway.

He said one of the Islamic Emirates’ priorities is to improve transport infrastructure in the country.

The double carriageway will stretch 111 km once completed and will cost an estimated 3 billion afghanis (AFN).

This highway will become a toll road and toll fees will be used to complete the project, which will take about three and a half years, he said.

According to Baradar, dozens of jobs will be created through it and trade between Kabul and Ghazni will be strengthened.

He also mentioned the Kabul-Kandahar highway, which connects Kabul with the southern provinces, and said this route will help strengthen trade between neighbors Pakistan and Iran.

The Kabul-Ghazni highway will meanwhile have nine bridges and 594 culverts once complete.

Baradar also called on officials involved in the road project to ensure standards are maintained and a good quality road is built.

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IEA’s supreme leader emphasizes importance of unity to safeguard Islamic system



The Islamic Emirate’s supreme leader Hibatullah Akhundzada visited northern, northeastern and northwestern provinces of the country recently and met with officials, religious scholars, and ethnic elders where he emphasized the importance of unity among the people.

He said if there is no justice, the system will not survive, Arg quoted him as saying in a statement.

In a voice message, Akhundzada said in a meeting with officials of Balkh province that if there is no justice and if personal needs are put first, the Islamic system will not survive.

“If there is oppression, terror, personal orders and the powerful person is not held accountable, poor people are held accountable and things are mediated and justice is not applied, this system will not remain,” said Akhundzada.

He also stressed the need for unity and solidarity among the people in Badghis, Faryab, Jawzjan, Sar-e-Pul, Balkh, Samangan, Baghlan, Kunduz, Takhar and Badakhshan provinces in another meeting with officials, religious scholars, and tribal elders.

Hamdullah Fitrat, IEA’s deputy spokesman, stated that Akhundzada asked the meeting participants to work for unity among the country's ethnic groups.

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