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Renovation of 4 historical sites kicks off in Kandahar



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The Ministry of Information and Culture says the reconstruction work of four historical monuments worth 24 million AFN has started in Kandahar province.

The ministry said that the historical sites include the tomb of Mirwais Khan, the house and tomb of Ahmad Shah Baba and the Ahmad Shahi reservoir in Spin Boldak.

Acting Minister of Information and Culture Khairullah Khairkhah said that the restoration work of several other historical sites is currently underway in different provinces of the country worth 260 million AFN.

Meanwhile, businessmen and local authorities of Kandahar province welcome this development decision of IEA and have promised all kinds of cooperation.

“We are very grateful to the Islamic Emirate for giving a positive answer to our request, and sufficient funds have been taken into consideration for the reconstruction of these sites,” said Inamullah Samangani, Kandahar’s information and culture head.

This comes amid most of the country’s historic buildings and monuments are in danger of collapsing and if the government does not pay serious attention to them, they will be destroyed in the not-so-distant future.


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