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Religious Mullahs Announce Jihad against Daesh Militants in Nangarhar

A large number of religious mullahs have announced jihad against the brutality of Daesh militants in Nangarhar province,saying the activities of ISIL is out of Islam religion.
First deputy of the lower house of the parliament Zahir Qadir said,” spies inside the Government willing to implement the Daesh project,waring the Government if the Government doesn’t do much I will stand against the terrorist group with the support of my people.”
Meanwhile officials in Ministry of interior Affairs said,” those who exaggerate for Daesh will be executed during the fighting 3 Afghan border police forces were killed 8 were injured and 60 Daesh militants lost their life.”
Daesh is the other terrorist group creating fears among Afghans specially have shown their presence in east part of the country like Nangarhar province recently,they have been beheading people, Taliban, and even children into parts.
Religious Mullahs have stood against their negative role and announced Jihad.
This is a project which has began in Afghanistan,it will end up beheadings of all Afghans,waring those working in Afghan Government body as the fifth pillar if Allah and his Raoul Don’t let you, I will not let you go easily.”
Based on the recent and fresh reports Daesh militants have raided several outposts of Afghan security forces in Achin district of Nangarhar province early this morning,after house of armed clashes and receiving air supports 60 Daesh forces were killed and one of the check points which was captured by Daesh militants has been retaken it.