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Qatar, EU special envoys meet to discuss Afghanistan



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Tomas Niklasson, the European Union’s special envoy for Afghanistan, met with his Qatari counterpart Faisal bin Abdullah Al Hanzab in Doha on Wednesday, according to Qatar’s Foreign Ministry.

The meeting focused on developments in Afghanistan and joint international efforts to achieve peace and stability in the country, the ministry said.

This meeting comes a month ahead of the upcoming Doha conference on Afghanistan.

Recently, there has been an increase in meetings among special envoys for Afghanistan, reflecting heightened international engagement on the issue.

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Chinese, Turkmen officials discuss foreign ministers’ meeting of Afghanistan’s neighbors

Turkmenistan and China confirmed that they will continue to provide full support for the economic recovery of Afghanistan, adhering to the principles of friendship and good neighborliness.



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China’s special envoy for Afghanistan, Yue Xiaoyong, has met with the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan Akhmed Gurbanov, in Ashgabat, discussing the fight meeting of foreign ministers of countries neighboring Afghanistan.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan, the parties also discussed the state and prospects for the development of Turkmen-Chinese interaction. Key aspects of the international and regional agenda were reviewed.

The progress of preparations for the 5th meeting of the foreign ministers of countries neighboring Afghanistan, which will be held in Turkmenistan this year, was discussed.

In conclusion, the parties confirmed that Turkmenistan and China will continue to provide full support for the economic recovery of Afghanistan, adhering to the principles of friendship and good neighborliness.


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IEA delegation leaves Kabul for Qatar



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The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’s (IEA) spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid heading a delegation left Kabul on Saturday to attend the third Doha meeting in Qatar, Mujahid said posting a picture on his X platform.

The third UN-sponsored meeting on Afghanistan is scheduled to begin tomorrow (Sunday) in the Qatari capital Doha.

Special representatives of countries for Afghanistan are expected to attend the meeting.

Mujahid will lead IEA’s six-member delegation at the meeting. The delegation includes representatives of IEA’s political office in Qatar, the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, the counter-narcotics deputyship of the Interior Ministry and Da Afghanistan Bank.

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Afghanistan’s exports reach $304 million in first quarter of 1403: MoIC

Akhundzadeh said that most of these exports were made to Pakistan, Iran, the United Arab Emirates, India, Austria, Uzbekistan, Russia and other countries.



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The Ministry of Industry and Commerce spokesman Abdulsalam Javad Akhundzadeh says Afghanistan’s exports carried out regularly in the first three months of 1403 solar year and $304 million have been exported during this period.

Akhundzadeh said that most of these exports were made to Pakistan, Iran, the United Arab Emirates, India, Austria, Uzbekistan, Russia and other countries.

“Afghanistan’s exports and imports during the first quarter of 1403 solar year were about two billion and 577 million dollars, of which 304 million dollars were exports and 2.273 million dollars were imports,” he said.

Meanwhile, members of the private sector asked MoIC to provide more facilities in the field of transportation to increase the country’s exports.

“As much as the facilities are provided to the traders, they can take advantage of these good opportunities,” said Mirwais Hajizadeh, deputy of the Chamber of Agriculture and Livestock.

Economic experts believe that the more Afghan products are marketed in the world markets, the more exports will increase and will positively affect the country’s economic situation.

Earlier, the Islamic Emirate repeatedly emphasized that it has an economy-oriented policy and is trying to become a connecting point in the region in addition to increasing the export of Afghan goods to different countries.

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