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Provisions on Election Reformation Should be Observed: Manawe



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Former head of the Independent Election Commission IEC Fazel Ahmad Manawe has warned if the provisions of the special reformation committee and Electoral observer institutions aren’t considered in President Decree for further reformation the Election reformation will mean nothing.

He insisted that reviewing and supervising of the experts over the issue is a must and that will help the Election system to be completely clear out of any problems in the future.

Further he went on and stated that National Unity Government hasn’t been serious on taking steps towards launching reformation on Election system since 2 years.

One of the commitments of the National Unity leaders was to launch reformation in Election system, but they couldn’t do any reformation within the Election system at all.

Former head of the Independent Election Commission Fazel Ahmad Manawe said,” the new structure of the Independent Election Commission is better comparing to the previous one, on Election reformation system I hope to see what provisions made by the special reformation committee to be practiced, otherwise establishing of the commission and what was agreed on the Political agreement will be ignored and the reformation will not be launched.”

Former head of the Independent Election Commission Secretariat Daud Ali Najafi said,” The remarks made by the Election observers Institutions and special commission on Election should be adjusted within the President Decree for further reformation.”

Meanwhile Head of the New National Front (NNF) Party criticized the Government for not doing consultation with the political parties on eliminating of the Election reformation.

Head of the New National Front (NNF) party Anwarul Haq Ahadi said,” National Unity Government couldn’t do reformation on Election system in Afghanistan since the establishment.”

Experts believed that Government of Afghanistan hasn’t been doing well on reforming the Election system, considering the ongoing condition the Parliamentary, provincial council Election will not be held in this year.

Reported by Rafi Sediqee


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