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Presidential Palace Reacts on CE Abdullah Abdullah Statement



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Presidential palace has declared the recent statement of the CE Abdullah Abdullah contrary to principles of the Governance, and has expressed concerns.

Meanwhile CE Abdullah Abdullah supports have warned if both leaders doesn’t agree, soon a serious crisis will take place in the country.

CE Abdullah Abdullah on Thursday who had joined the National Youth day ceremony has criticized the President saying if someone doesn’t have the patient to hear somebody’s voice then he doesn’t deserve to be the President.

President Spokesman Mohammd Haron Chakhansuri said,” The CE Abdullah Abdullah statement released on Thursday is contrary to principles of the Governance, based on the principle the Government is legitimate on the existed laws.”

Meanwhile former NDS head Amrullah Saleh said,” Gradually CE Abdullah Abdullah will hold its opposition side, Abdullah Abdullah is the owner of this Government, if he gets separated from the Government the Government will fall.”

“ if both leaders once again agree the structure of the Government is not acceptable for the Nation, the political agreement should be implemented from A to Z, which will lead that new system will be in place Ahmad Wali Masoud head of the National Agenda said,”

Head of the lawyer Union Subhanullah Musbah said,” One of the solution is to get rid of this problems is get the National Unity Government political agreement implemented,”

National Unity Government was established on 2014 by the mediation of the US secretary of state John Kerry while he was mediating said National Unity Government will last for upcoming 5 years.

Reported by Nusrat Parsa



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