Poor Coordination Caused Fresh Fruits Get Rotten: Experts

A number of Afghan economic experts have believed that poor coordination in between the two Governmental business departments has caused this year that huge amount of the fresh fruits couldn’t be exported to abroad and got either rotten or dried in the country.
Officials in Ministry of commerce and industry have reported the 26% of decreasing of exporting fresh fruits to abroad for the year 2015,declaring the major reasons dual policy of neighboring countries specially Pakistan towards Afghanistan.
Spokesman of Ministry of commerce and industry Musafir Qoqandi said,” exporting of fresh fruits from Afghanistan to abroad has decreased 26% comparing to last year,the main reason for such big issue is the dual policy of Pakistan towards Afghanistan.”
Meanwhile economic experts have blamed both business departments for having poor coordination,saying that has caused that Afghan Government could export fresh fruits as it was expected.
Afghan economic expert Qias Saiedi said,” poor coordination in between the two Ministry of commerce and industry and chamber of commerce has caused that huge amount of fresh fruits to be left in the country and couldn’t be exported to abroad,he has also blamed both departments for not having the precise numbers of exports and imports of products in the country.”
This comes after 300 lorries from Afghanistan has been stopped by the Pakistan Government and yet to have permission transit letters.
Reported by Ali Asghari