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Passport distribution process resumes across the country  



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The General Directorate of Passports confirmed Wednesday that the passport distribution process has resumed in Kabul and in provinces around the country.

This comes after the directorate suspended operations months ago due to technical issues.

On Wednesday, the directorate’s spokesman said from now on 5,000 passports will be distributed daily and priority will be given to those who have already applied for the travel document.

Applicants have welcomed the reopening of offices and said they hope there will be no problems going forward.

“Today, the process of distributing passports has resumed throughout the country, and priority is given to those who have already registered and whose documents have been processed,” said Noorullah Patman, the directorate’s spokesperson.

The process of distributing passports was suspended more than four months ago. In addition to technical problems, there was also a shortage of passport booklets. The directorate says however, that these issues have now been resolved.


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