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Pakistan differentiates between good, bad terrorists: President Ghani



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ghaniPakistan differentiates between good and bad terrorists in practice, President Ashraf Ghani said on Saturday.

“Our regional initiatives with neighbors are beginning to yield significant cooperative dividends. The exception is with Pakistan–despite clear commitments to a quadrilateral peace process, their dangerous distinction between good and bad terrorists is being maintained in practice, ” Afghan president said during his speech on second day of NATO summit.

“The key problem among our neighboring states is an absence of agreed rules of the game, thus we seek regional and global support in creating those rules, which will bind us to collective security and harmony,” he added.

Pakistan has called President Ghani’s remarks disappointing and continuation of Kabul’s policy of blaming Pakistan for its failures.

In addition, President Ghani called peace Afghanistan’s “highest national priority” which needs international understanding.

“The conflict is multi-dimensional, ranging from Al-Qaeda and Daesh to terrorist groups with Central Asian, Chinese, and Russian origins, to Pakistani groups classified as terrorists by Pakistan and Afghan Taliban groups,” he continued.

Referring to the terrorist attack President Ghani also said that the attack against the Mosque of the Holy Prophet in Medina has outraged the Muslim community and should result in a consensus against the tiny minority that is attempting to hijack our civilization.

Thanking the US and its allies for supporting Afghanistan, he also promised of an accountable state that needs the international cooperation to bring peace and security to its people.


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