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Not the time to take but a time to give: Ghani to the nation



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President Ashraf Ghani on Monday said that the Afghan public is committed to a republic system and assured the people that “the sky will not fall in”.

He also said now is not the time to take concessions from the government and the system, but that people must instead give back to their country.

Speaking at an event to mark the Week of Vocational Training and Higher Education, Ghani said that there is national consensus on preserving the republic system.

He also said people in Kabul should not worry because Afghanistan will remain as it is – that the situation will be maintained.

Ghani said the whole country is in favor of the republic system and assured Kabul residents the city will not collapse.

“The situation is good in all provinces, but a few people in Kabul think the sky will fall in; … God has kept the sky, he also keeps Afghanistan; we have seen a lot of ups and downs in four years; this is not lasting,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Higher Education Abbas Basir said at the event that there are challenges in the country’s education sector, especially regarding the quality of the curriculum.

“The Ministry of Higher Education plans to develop educational methods this year and move the educational system to a student-centered and research-oriented method. In this regard, 65 new modules will be inaugurated and unveiled today. We are evaluating about another 90 modules this year,” he said.

Students from the Vocational Education Department, including the Herat Robotics Girls, also attended the event and showcased their new inventions.

During the exhibition the president and his first vice president, Amrullah Saleh, said they will assess five of the inventions.

“”We will review the five cases we have seen and evaluate them and I will report to you in less than ten days,” said Saleh.


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