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Nine Districts Control Goes to Taliban’s Hands: MoD



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3Officials in  Afghan Ministry of Defense have stated that war between the Afghan security forces and anti-government militants continues in 15 provinces of the country amid 9 districts are being controlled by Taliban.

Meanwhile, officials in Human Rights Committee have also urged that the level of the casualties comparing to last year has increased in Afghanistan.

Regular war has put Afghanistan into the 14th war ravaged countries list, Ministry of Defense’s website has published the estimation of the casualties of the insurgents 500 in one week, that means maximum 71 insurgents are being killed on daily basis at the entire country.

Ministry of Defense Spokesman Dawlat Waziri said, “we do confirm the casualties of Taliban during the war”.

The Officials in Ministry of Defense have also insisted that 13 insurgents groups including Taliban are fighting against Afghan government, which are Lashkar Taiba, Haqqani Network, Jaheshul Mohammad, Mawya Taliban Panjab, Lashkar Jangawee Pakistan.

“War continues in provinces of Helmand, Kunduz, Nuristan, Badakshan, Baghlan, Ghazni, Laghman, Nangarhar, Kunar, Logar, Wardak, Jawzjan, Faryab, Paktia and Paktika,” MoD spokesman Waziri said.

Human Rights Committee Spokesman Rafi Baidar said, “regular war has caused the level of the causalities to be increased from both sides and comparing to last year it has increased”.

Recent reports indicate that currently the Afghan security forces are fighting with high moral against Taliban in Helmand province.

Reported by: Ali Asghari


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