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Muttaqi congratulates Rashid Khan over Afghanistan making WC semis

Rashid Khan thanked Muttaqi for his “support and prayers”, saying that they will continue to work hard and shine further.



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Acting Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi on Tuesday called Afghanistan captain Rashid Khan to congratulate him on the team having secured a berth in this year’s T20 World Cup semi-final.

Muttaqi said that Afghanistan’s victory against Bangladesh that earned them a spot in the semi-final was a “great victory and a big source of happiness.”

“Our policy is to keep sports separate from politics. Your success brought joy to all. Your hard work inspires youths. They will avoid drugs and division,” Muttaqi said, adding that he hopes Afghanistan will win the World Cup.

Rashid Khan thanked Muttaqi for his “support and prayers”, saying that they will continue to work hard and shine further.


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IEA calls on Doha meeting delegates to help resolve Afghanistan’s challenges

Mujahid told delegates that the IEA is endeavoring to achieve economic independence by laying the foundations of a self-sustaining and secure national economy.



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Heading Afghanistan’s delegation to Doha, Zabihullah Mujahid on Sunday called for working groups to be established to resolve three critical issues – the removal of all restrictions and sanctions; the unfreezing of all Afghanistan’s foreign reserves; and finding alternative livelihoods for former poppy farmers.

In his speech to delegates attending the UN-led Doha meeting on Afghanistan, Mujahid said: “We perceive the current Doha meeting as a crucial opportunity to engage in constructive dialogue regarding the unilateral and multilateral sanctions imposed on some officials and our financial and banking sectors, as well as the broader challenges confronting our national economy.”

He said the Doha forum represents a positive step towards addressing Afghanistan’s key challenges but noted that questions were being asked at home as to why no easing of sanctions had been made on the financial and trade sectors.

Mujahid stated that Afghans, who have suffered through almost 50 years of conflict, foreign invasions and interference by other countries had now gained independence, ended the war and built a system aimed at “fostering positive engagement with the world, however, in return they faced sanctions and restrictions?

“Is it fair and appropriate?” Mujahid asked.

He said he knows some countries disagree with the Islamic Emirate’s policies but that it was the duty of experienced diplomats to find ways to interact and understand each other.

“The policy differences should not escalate to the extent that powerful countries use their leverage to impose security, political, and economic pressures on our people, affecting the lives of our nation in a significant way,” he said.

He raised the issue of poppy cultivation and said despite sanctions and outside pressure, the IEA had banned the cultivation, processing and smuggling of poppy.

“Poppy cultivation, which remained as a significant challenge in Afghanistan, we reduced it to almost zero; however, in contrast, instead of recognizing and commending these initiatives, lifting banking restrictions to stimulate the country’s economy and unfreezing national reserves, some countries have continued with their policy of non-cooperation,” he said.

Mujahid told delegates that the IEA is endeavoring to achieve economic independence by laying the foundations of a self-sustaining and secure national economy.

“We are committed to advancing real economic development in Afghanistan, taking initial steps towards creating jobs, establishing factories, lifting people out of poverty, and creating business opportunities for women,” he said.

Acknowledging the countries that provide humanitarian aid, Mujahid implied this was not a solution but that in order to end the humanitarian crisis, the international community needed to remove sanctions, provide development aid and allow the government and people of Afghanistan to utilize their capacities without restrictions for the revival of the national economy.

He spoke on the progress the IEA has made with its neighboring countries in terms of connectivity and mentioned the railway project linking Uzbekistan to Afghanistan and Pakistan. He also touched on the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas pipeline project.

“In collaboration with Turkmenistan, we have made significant progress regarding the implementation of the ambitious gas pipeline project (TAPI) over the past two years. This milestone ensures positive participation in energy exchange and connectivity between Central and South Asia through Afghanistan,” he said.

He pointed out that a secure Afghanistan benefits the entire region and that ties already forged with regional countries demonstrates the IEA’s commitment to establishing and maintaining good relations.

In light of this, other nations, especially Western countries, can remove obstacles hindering the development of relations with the IEA, he said, emphasizing that differences of opinion “are natural”.

“Like the regional countries, they can take genuine and practical steps toward positive engagement,” Mujahid said.

“The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan is keen on engaging constructively with Western nations as well. Like any sovereign state, we uphold certain religious and cultural values and public aspirations that must be acknowledged to facilitate progressive bilateral relations rather than encountering disputes and stagnation.

“Our aspiration is for the national sovereignty, independence, values, and preferences of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan to be duly respected, as affirmed by the United Nations Charter,”  Mujahid said.

He also outlined progress made on a diplomatic note and said: “Just as the regional countries have positively interacted with the current government of Afghanistan as a responsible system, we hope that Western countries will also prioritize mutual bilateral interests in a similar manner.”

Mujahid however slammed “countries and organizations that profess to uphold human rights”. This was in relation to the “ongoing genocide in Gaza, Palestine.”

Without naming countries or organizations, he said: “It is important to note that certain entities directly involved in this humanitarian atrocity lack the moral standing to lecture us on human rights.

In conclusion, he reiterated that in order to ensure the Doha meeting is productive and meaningful, two areas need to be focused on. First was the removal of all restrictions and sanctions and second was the unfreezing of all Afghanistan’s foreign reserves.

“The continued freezing of these reserves has severely impaired the ability of commercial banks to meet the currency needs of their clients, both domestically and internationally,” he said adding that it was also crucial that interactions between
Afghanistan banks and foreign banks resume.

Mujahid’s third point was that alternative livelihoods were needed for Afghan farmers who previously cultivated poppies.

“This is a shared responsibility that must be addressed collectively, and Afghanistan should not be left to manage this challenge alone.
“I propose the formation of working groups to address these issues and look forward to having effective and productive discussions with respected representatives on these matters.”

The UN is hosting its 3rd meeting on Afghanistan. The meeting got underway on Sunday, June 30 and will wrap up on Monday, July 1 in Doha, Qatar.

Representatives from more than 25 countries and international organizations are taking part in the meeting.


Third Doha meeting on Afghanistan gets underway in Qatar

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Third Doha meeting on Afghanistan gets underway in Qatar

Chairing the meeting on behalf of the UN Secretary General, Rosemary DiCarlo, the under-secretary general, said Sunday she is pleased that the Islamic Emirate sent a delegation to attend the meeting.



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The UN-led meeting on Afghanistan got underway early Sunday, bringing together special envoys of numerous countries, along with United Nations representatives and a delegation from the Islamic Emirate.

The two-day meeting will address the banking and financial situation as well as the fight against drugs in Afghanistan.

Chairing the meeting on behalf of the UN Secretary General, Rosemary DiCarlo, the under-secretary general, said Sunday she is pleased that the Islamic Emirate sent a delegation to attend the meeting.

DiCarlo said: “I am happy that we have the relevant delegations with us in this meeting, we have the governing authorities with us for the first time.”

While delegates will discuss the situation in Afghanistan over these two days, the issue of women’s education and work has also attracted the attention of the media.

“True facts are not reflected from Kabul. Even now, if you go to Kabul, you will see that girls are studying in dar-ul-ulum (religious school),” said Suhail Shaheen, head of the political office of the Islamic Emirate in Qatar.

At the same time, on the sidelines of this meeting, Zabihullah Mujahid, the head of the delegation of the Islamic Emirate, met with the representatives of Russia, Uzbekistan and India, and these countries expressed their support for the position of the Islamic Emirate.

“In these meetings, the expansion of relations between Afghanistan and these countries has been discussed.

Mawlavi Abdul Kabir, the political deputy prime minister of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA), also considered this meeting valuable due to the presence of the delegation of the Islamic Emirate as a responsible government and said that such meetings are a good opportunity to interact with the world,” he said.

Suhail Shaheen, head of the political office of the Islamic Emirate in Qatar, told Ariana News that the expectation of the Islamic Emirate from the third meeting in Doha is that the world should understand the realities of Afghanistan and abandon the policy of pressure and confrontation.


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Afghanistan’s central bank chief leaves for Djibouti to attend IFSB meeting

Da Afghanistan Bank, central banks of Islamic countries, Islamic banks, and international institutions are members of the IFSB.



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Acting Governor of Da Afghanistan Bank (DAB), Hedayatullah Badri, has left for Djibouti to attend the 22nd annual meeting of the Islamic Financial Services Board (IFSB).

The annual meeting of the board will be held on July 1 and 2 by the IFSB and Djibouti’s central bank to discuss and approve the previous year’s executions and financial reports of the board, DAB said in a statement.

Additionally, the IFSB member countries will discuss plans and practical measures regarding Islamic banking standards, sound management of financial institutions and banks, the role of digitization on Islamic banking, and the promotion of Islamic finance and banking at the international level.

The International Financial Services Board (IFSB) is an international institution that adopts and disseminates the standards to improve the soundness and stability of the Islamic financial services industry.

The standards are adopted within the framework of Sharia law in the banking, financial markets, and insurance sectors for the institutions operating in the Islamic financial services industry.

Da Afghanistan Bank, central banks of Islamic countries, Islamic banks, and international institutions are members of the IFSB.



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