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Mps Criticize Government’s Blackout against Pakistan



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A number of the Afghan law makers have criticized the silence of the Government againt Pakistan interfering Afghanistan’s affairs saying the following leaders should have complained to United Nation on interfering cases.

 They have mentioned the CEO of Afghanistan Dr Abdullah Abdullah didn’t explain much about the interfering of Pakistan and the presence of Daesh ISIL militants in Afghanistan.

 CEO Abdullah Abdullah has attended the 72th summit of United Nation in New York.

Mp Fakor Beheshti said,” the turmoil of Afghanistan disaster comes from abroad, they militants are supported by the foreign countries,it was necessary to mention about it,Afghanistan has lost an opportunity CEO of National Unity Government should have reached the voices of the Nation to United Nation,which he didn’t meaning we have lost the opportunity once again.”

“There were so important issues to be mentioned within the United Nation Summit by the CEO Abdullah Abdullah, first of all the Pakistan interfering should have been discussed,we have had documents in hands showing Pakistan seeks its Nation interest into Afghanistan territory Nadir Khan Katawazia member of the lower house said.”

 However some of the members of the lower house of the parliament have expressed concerns over the developing activities of the Daesh militants in Afghanistan and event their recruitments.

Abdul Haih Akhundzada said,” there is no real Daesh militants in Afghanistan but there are some militants who are being supported by Pakistan, and have located them into east part of the country their most activities are in Nangarhar Province.

Ghazni representatives in lower house of the parliament Ali Akbar Qasimi said,” Daesh militants are recruiting forces based on the United Nation report.”

This comes after the United Nation report has signaled out that Daesh forces increasing their activities in Afghanistan,in the report also mentioned that Daesh militants are active in 25 provinces of Afghanistan, a report which was rejected by the National Directorate Security NDS.

Reported by Abdul Aziz Karimi



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