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MPs called alleged stoning of Rokhshana inhumane, un-Islamic



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Lawmakers strongly criticized stoning of Rokhshana, 19, accused of adultery, and called it inhumane and un-Islamic.

The woman was stoned last week in accusation of adultery with a young man. Reportedly she had fled from the house with the young boy because she was forced to marry with an old man against her will.

Abdul Rauf Ibrahimi, Speaker of the House said on Wednesday,” stoning of Rokhshana in public was inhumane and un-Islamic. Stoning is legal limit, but without proof and without the verdict of a legal court shakes everyone and we strongly condemn it”.

Naqibullah Faiq another member of the House from Faryab province said,” according to the law of Islam, no one can sentence someone to a court based on a claim. There was only a claim over Rokhshana. In most parts of Afghanistan there are a lot of people who things they are God and we have to prevent these people”.

A number of lawmakers urged for approval of the law on elimination of violence against women by Afghan parliament.

“Crimes have been committed under the name of Sharia and no one investigate these crimes. Recently public courts have increased and it is the time to rectify the law on elimination of violence against women, so we can avoid these types of crimes; otherwise, we will be witnessed to one murder on a daily basis,” Gulali Noor Safi, MP from northern Balkh province stated.

Fawzia Kofi another MP from Badakhshan said,” we are not against the implementation of Sharia when we are making the laws. Those who can’t read Shahada are doing these types of crimes”.

This is not the first time a women has been publically punished in Afghanistan, earlier angry mob lynched, killed and burned an Afghan girl, Farkhunda, in Kabul over the accusation of burning a piece of the Holy Quran.

Reported by: Abdul Karim Azizi


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