MoAI to Spend $ 160 Million on Farmlands

MoAI decides to pave 60,000 acres of agricultural lands and create five water canals which the project will be implemented in 30 provinces of the country.
Deputy of the MoAI has signed the contract of this project with a number of private companies on Tuesday.
Officials in the ministry say, currently 50 percent of Afghanistan waters wasted due to the lack of water management.
Meanwhile, a number of farmers called this project effective for the agriculture growth.
Nearly 60 tractors and 95 paving machines will be used for this project that worth $ 160 million from the budget of agriculture ministry.
Agricultural sector of Afghanistan is facing a number of problems that need to be addressed properly and long term and nicely coordinated plans are needed for the resolution of these problems permanently.
One of the main problem is the absence of a proper system of irrigation. Almost 90% of our farmers depend on the water of river and canals but the system of canals has not been upgraded from many decades and a lot of water is wasted due to soil absorption and evaporation.
Afghanistan’s agricultural industry has traditionally driven the country’s economy. But according recent estimates, Afghanistan currently has an export deficit, meaning more goods are brought in from abroad than are exported to neighboring countries.