Members at CCI complain on contrary articles of Taxation law

Officials in chamber of commerce and industry have complained over some of the contrary articles of the taxation law which are not on the favor of the Investors and markets.
They have stated that the following law has been implemented without consultation of the investors which it damages the markets and the investors.
Further they have warned if no changes to be made within the law the investors will stop its business.
Deputy head of the chamber of commerce and industry Khanjan Alkozai said,” We are against the penalty coming from the taxation law, the following law should be abolished.”
Members of the following institution urged that Government should create facilities and flexibility within the law, to encourage the investors.
Member of the chamber of commerce Atiqullah Nusrat said,” President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani had been speaking on creating of facilities for the investors, but now its reverse.”
Meanwhile Ministry of Finance Spokesman Ajmal Hameed Abdul Rahimzai said,” We do the work based on the law and it has been divided into three sections.”
Afghanistan taxation law was approved last year despite of high rates of penalty on taxing, the high rate of taxes over the exporting of the goods have impacted the markets and investors.
Reported by Nabila Hafizi