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Land grabbing main cause of delay for construction of New Kabul City



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Afghanistan Minister of Urban Development in presentation of his first 100 days work says that land grabbing caused the delay for construction of New Kabul City.

Sayed Sadat Mansour Naderi, minster of Urban Development notes that challenges against this important and big project, particularly solving the problem of land ownership are still in place.

Naderi assured Afghan people that efforts are underway to determine the fate of grabbed lands of New Kabul City.

The National Planning Policy Framework of urban, completion of Khwaja Rawash’s first phase residential projects, the completion of Khushal Khan Project, plan settlements of areas that have no plan and finalization of reports from condition of the country’s cities are the main programs that carried out by the ministry.

“The Ministry of Urban Development succeed to sign accords with China which according to the agreements the China country will complete the biggest project in Afghanistan history that is the construction of 10,000 buildings,” Sayed Sadat Mansour Naderi, minister of Urban development said.

It has been scheduled that the New Kabul City to be constructed in an area of 370 thousand acres of land in May-2015.

National program of urban, reform of urban management, reform of the Executive Affairs of the Ministry, fight against corruption and the determination of New Kabul City fate are said to be the important programs of the ministry’s second hundred days working plan.







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