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Khalilzad calls on Afghan leaders on both sides to embrace peace

United States peace envoy Zalmay Khalilzad said Thursday, on the first day of Eid-up-Fitr that Afghan leaders on both sides must embrace peace and to put the past behind them.
He noted that Eid is a time to reflect and think about how to go about constructing a better collective future.
“I urge Afghan leaders on both sides to embrace peace. In the spirit of Eid, this should include a firm commitment and a public promise to refrain from any acts of vengeance related to the divisions of the past,” Khalilzad said in a series of tweets.
Khalilzad further tweeted that: “Instead, commit to come together in brotherhood, so that all energy and all talents of the nation can be focused without fear, on the building of a better society.”
“Unrelenting violence has convulsed Afghanistan for over two generations. Citizens live in fear, anxious of when and what the next attack will bring,” Khalilzad added.
Khalilzad also said that now is the opportunity to make peace.
“While overcoming decades of mistrust and anger between warring parties is not easy, to make peace now is the only ethical and the only practical way forward,” he tweeted.
His comment comes at a time while both sides are observing a three-day ceasefire over Eid across the country.