
IEA signs MoU with chamber of agriculture to boost the farming sector



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The Islamic Emirate’s ministry of agriculture and livestock signed a memorandum of cooperation on Sunday for the development of agriculture with the Chamber of Agricultural Products in a quest to boost the sector in the country.

The acting minister, Attaullah Omari said this was done in the hope that Afghanistan will soon become self-sufficient in providing food to the nation and that Afghanistan can become an exporter of produce.

However, officials have asked traders to ensure packaging of produce meets global standards for export purposes.

“This memorandum was signed in order to grow the agriculture [sector] in Afghanistan,” said Fazl ul-Bari Fazli, the deputy minister of agriculture, livestock and irrigation.

“The request of our memorandum is that to reach self-sufficiency, we can prepare our own food and get rid of problems,” said Khan Mohammad Fortan, head of Afghanistan’s Chamber of Agriculture and Livestock.

At the same time, an expo of domestic products was also held at the headquarters of the agriculture ministry this week.

Both men and women showcased their produce but called for the Islamic Emirate to help market their goods abroad.

“Our request from the government is to pay more and more attention to domestic products, especially in the field of agriculture, in the field of honey, saffron and materials that will have a great result for Afghanistan,” said Ghuncha Gul Karimi, one expo participant.

Based on statistics presented by the ministry, at least 80 percent of Afghan people are engaged in agriculture and livestock sectors. Afghan experts say that by managing Afghanistan’s waters and supporting agriculture and creating facilities for Afghan farmers, it will take a step towards self-sufficiency.


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