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IEA says 1403 was a year of economic achievements

According to economic experts, despite sanctions and global pressures, the Islamic Emirate has been able to take important steps in the economic sector.



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The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) says 1403 was a year of economic achievements, which saw a stable afghani (AFN), the start of TAPI, and new investments. Officials said there was also an increase in trade with numerous countries.

However, banking sanctions were not lifted and the country’s foreign reserves remained frozen.

The Islamic Emirate says that despite the sanctions and the failure to release the country’s foreign reserves, they have been able to maintain the value of the Afghan currency, attract large investments in the mining sector, and also promote trade relations with countries.

Zabihullah Mujahid, spokesman for the Islamic Emirate, says that major projects have been launched in the country and efforts are underway to connect Afghanistan with countries via a railway line.

The Ministry of Commerce and Industry says that a lot of work has been done in the trade sector and seven billion dollars’ worth of investments have been made in the country this year.

The Chamber of Commerce and Investment also says that 1403 was a good year for traders as prices remained stable and the country’s exports totaled $2 billion.

On the other hand, work on some major development projects has either been completed or begun, such as:

  • Completion of Kamal Khan Dam
  • Completion of Shah and Arous Dam in Kabul
  • Completion of Tori Dam in Zabul
  • Commencement of Palatuni Dam in Paktika
  • Expansion of railway lines
  • Commencement of TAPI project
  • Continuing the repair of the Salang Highway and the Kabul-Kandahar Road

According to economic experts, despite sanctions and global pressures, the Islamic Emirate has been able to take important steps in the economic sector.

The latest World Bank report states that the Afghan economy is however still unstable. The bank added that although the Afghan economy is witnessing slow growth after two years, it remains fragile and unstable.

The Islamic Emirate, however, said that they see a bright future ahead.




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