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Haqqani Network, ISI Behind Kandahar’s Deadly Bombings



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kandar_11_01_2017_dari_sot-mpg_snapshot_00-52_2017-01-11_18-58-50Police chief of Kandahar, Gen. Abdul Raziq accused the Haqqani Network and Pakistan’s Inter-Service Intelligence (ISI) of executing yesterday’s mass-casualty bombings in Kandahar.

Gen. Abdul Raziq called the aim of bombings was to destroy Kandahar’s Military Council.

“The bombings was organized by Pakistani ISI and the Haqqani Network. We have informed that they are attempting to destroy Kandahar’s Military Council,” said Gen. Abdul Raziq.

Rziq noted that the explosion caused by bombs placed in couches before a reception for the visiting United Arab Emirates ambassador and his delegation, killed at least 11 people and wounded 18.

He said five men, who were among 30 construction workers at the site, were arrested and questioned.

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) also announced that five members of its diplomatic staff killed in the deadly bombings.

UAE foreign ministry said the officials were on a “humanitarian mission within the program of the UAE to support the brotherly Afghan people.”

Dubai ruler Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum ordered the nation’s flags at half-staff for three days in order to honor “the martyrs who gave their lives in defense of humanitarian causes.”

The Haqqanis are thought to have introduced suicide bombing to Afghanistan. They are believed to have been behind several high-profile attacks.


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