Gov’t needs to begin extraction of mines by 2020: Senates

Scores of senators in the upper house of the parliament Misrano Jirga have stated that the Government of Afghanistan needs to begin extraction of 22000 mines by coming 2020 the funds which will come out of it will help Afghanistan to become self-sufficient.
Second deputy of the senator house have pointed out that International donors will provide aids for Afghan security forces up to 2020, therefore the Government of Afghanistan should begin extraction of mines not to see any financial gaps.
Afghan officials will attend Warsa summit to draw the International donor’s aids for Afghanistan security forces on 7th and 8th of July 2016.
Second Deputy of upper house Hassibullah Kalimzai said,” If the Government of Afghanistan is to extract the 22000 mines it will help Afghanistan to become self sufficient and the following mines will enable the Government to pay the expenditures of the Afghan security forces beyond 2020 when the International donors stop its aids.”
Despite of a lot of security problems Afghan security forces have gained significant achievements combating terrorism in the country.
He said,” Operations which are being launched by the Afghan security forces are appreciable, because they are the one who ensure security for the entire country after the International troops withdraws Afghanistan and passed the security responsibility to ANSF, therefore Afghan Air forces do need to be equipped with plane fighters and advanced weaponries.”
Earlier members in Afghanistan National assembly had declared the main factors of the insecurity in the country were the neighboring countries interfering.
Reported by Rafi Sediqee