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Gov’t demands assembly to form joint committee on election law



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2National Unity Government has once again demanded the mixed committee in the parliament of Afghanistan to approve the President decree on reformation Election at the earliest time.

President Deputy Spokesman stated that by approving the President decree on Election reformation should speed up the Election reformation process.

Meanwhile administrative delegation of the parliament have urged that soon the mixed committees will be established by the end of the coming week and more hopes are underway to see the following decree approved.

President Deputy Spokesman Sayed Zafar Hashimi said,” We wait for the parliament to be our cooperator on reformation of the Election and get the President decree approved.”

Members at the lower house of the parliament have stated that new members of the mixed committee will be introduced on Monday.

Secretariat of the lower house Urfanullah Urfan said,” mixed committee will be formed this week, we hope to see the destination of the President decree on reformation Election to be declared before Mps leave the house for summer vacation.”

Meanwhile head of the Afghanistan Transparent Election Watch Naim Ayubzada said,” We demand the house to act on the following issue immediately, the more the decree is approved the more the holding of the Election is postponed.”

Reformation of the Election system in Afghanistan has been one of the principles of the National Unity Government political agreement , still scores of the experts believed that the following agreement has been forgotten.

Reported by Fawad Nassiri



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