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Ghani stresses on creation of ‘national circle’ to overcome challenges



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Ghani    24-10-2015-DARI-SOT  FINAL.avi_snapshot_00.39_[2015.10.25_09.12.12]

President Ashraf Ghani says the creation of a national circle can save our country from the current challenges, particularly insecurity.

He believes in order to overcome the current instabilities and win the fight against terrorism a national circle from political parties, well-known and prominent figures needs to be formed in the country.

“The government is strongly supporting the creation of a national circle, we all need to give hands to each other to overcome the current challenges in the country, particularly insecurity,” President Ghani speaking on Saturday in an Ashura ceremony to commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Hussain, Prophet Mohammad’s grandson said.

Former Second Vice President Karim Khalili also emphasized on the creation of a national circle on his speech, said: “elites, politicians including Shiite and Sunni must create a national circle, this circle must think beyond any religion and side in the country and must work to bring peace and stability in the country, because we cannot solve the current challenges in the existed circumstances.”

Khalili also urged participants to donate bloods for Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF).

The statements come as insecurity has increased across the country and most of the politicians believe all Afghan political leaders must join together tackle the current challenges.

Reported by: Rafi Seddiqi


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