
Gas Price Hikes Kabul’s Markets



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Kabul residents have expressed their concerns over hiking of Gas prices.

They have also accused the Government for doing nothing on monitoring market prices in the country especially in Kabul city since the weather is fluctuating towards coldness.

Usually Gas price goes high when the weather gets cold in Afghanistan on annually basis,this week the Gas price from 42 Afghani hiked into 65 Afghan which is equal to one US Dollar per Kg in the capital city of Kabul.

Officials in Ministry of Commerce and Industry have said we don’t have exact numbers of consumers to plan accordingly.

Ministry of Commerce and Industry spokesman Musafir Qoqandi said,” having no exact numbers of consumers have stopped us to launch suitable plans to control the gas prices in the markets, saying we are committed and efforts are underway to provide good facilities for the residents.”

Hiking of Gas price in the country hasn’t been the fresh issue where residents have been suffering from, the resident once again accused the Government for not having plans to facilitate the life of inhabitants in Afghanistan.


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