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Full Preparation Adopted to Attend Brussels Summit: Abdullah



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Afghanistan Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah stated that full preparation has been taken to attend the Brussels summit in October 2016 that means most of the commitments has been given to the World community were practically implemented in different sections.

He added that soon reformation will be brought within the Afghanistan Election system which will pave the way for holding the Parliamentary Election.

“ We have made progressed on commitments we have given to the World community, and significant work has been done to be a transparent accountable on Good Governance, combating terrorism, fighting poverty and creating jobs opportunities CE Abdullah Abdullah said,”

Though President Decree on bringing reformation in Election system was rejected by the members of the parliament still the Government of Afghanistan has launched new efforts on Election reformation.

Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah said,” more progress has been made on reformation for Election, that will pave the way for holding Parliamentary and district council Elections, reformation is our main goal and by launching efforts we will finally reach to our goal.”

Brussels summit will be held from October 3th up 4th where 70 countries and 30 International organizations will participate, World countries are hoping to see significant progress on the commitments which was given by the Afghan leaders on Warsa summit.

Reported by Fawad Nassiri


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