
Explosion at Samangan’s madrasa leaves 15 dead



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Imdadullah Mahajer, head of the cultural information department in Samangan province, says that an explosion occurred on Wednesday at a religious school called Al-Jihadi in the vicinity of Aibak city, the center of Samangan province.

Mahajer said that students wer praying at the time of the explosion.

According to him, 15 students were killed and a number of others were wounded. However, the exact number of wounded has not been confirmed.

Mahajer says that the dead and wounded were all students at the school and no government officials were present.

The ministry of interior has also confirmed the blast.

“Blast hits religious seminary in Samangan capital Aybak, killing 10 students and wounding several others,” Interior Ministry’s spokesman Abdul Nafi Takor said.

However, reports on social media indicate that the casualty toll was much higher.

So far no group claimed responsibility for the blast.


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