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Election reformation process begins soon: Abdullah



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The Afghanistan Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah during his speech on weekly Ministerial council session stated that the election reformation process will begin on Tuesday, saying most of the people are not satisfied with the repeated delays.

Afghan leaders have announced the determined date for the Election reformation after months.

CE Abdullah Abdullah said,” One of the major and important issues which was discussed on Warsa summit was the Election reformation, Afghan Government is committed to launch reformation, and the following process will begin tomorrow.”

“ Scores of those who used support Afghan Government got disappointed for the repeated delays for not determining the exact date for the Election reformation, some urged that Government doesn’t have the intention to do so they gradually got distance CE Abdullah Abdullah said,”

A question still remains un- answered that do both house of the parliament approve the President decree on the Election reformation or not? Earlier upper house of the parliament had approved the following decree but it still needs to be reviewed by the joint committees within the house.

Reported by FarahNaz Forotan


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