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CSTO holds military drills in Tajikistan, close to Afghanistan

The CSTO the drill, from October 11 to 14, included Russian, Kazakh and Kyrgyz forces and aimed to train them in fighting illegal armed groups planning to attack the region



The Collective Security Treaty Organisation (CSTO) announced that the organization held military exercises at the Harb Maidon training center in Tajikistan, close to the Afghan border.

According to a statement issued by the CSTO the drill, from October 11 to 14, included Russian, Kazakh and Kyrgyz forces and aimed to train them in fighting illegal armed groups planning to attack the region.

The organization has released a video of its military deployment to Tajikistan, where a convoy of tanks and a variety of military vehicles can be seen.

Regional organizations, including the CSTO countries, have repeatedly expressed concern over the past three years about the risk of extremism spreading from Afghanistan to Central Asia.

Kazakhstan holds the presidency of the CSTO this year and hosted another military exercise from member states earlier this month.

Representatives from more than 40 countries also recently expressed concern over the growing spread of extremism, radical religious teachings and racial discrimination in various countries. 

At a meeting in Moscow, they warned that the situation could have catastrophic consequences.


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World Bank says 26 poorest nations in worst financial shape since 2006

Most of the countries in the study are in sub-Saharan Africa, from Ethiopia to Chad and Congo, but the list also includes Afghanistan and Yemen, read the report.



The world's 26 poorest countries, home to 40% of the most poverty-stricken people, are more in debt than at any time since 2006 and increasingly vulnerable to natural disasters and other shocks, a new World Bank report showed on Sunday.

The report finds that these economies are poorer today on average than they were on the eve of the COVID-19 pandemic, even as the rest of the world has largely recovered from COVID and resumed its growth trajectory, Reuters reported.

Released a week before World Bank and International Monetary Fund annual meetings get underway in Washington, the report confirms a major setback to efforts to eradicate extreme poverty and underscores the World Bank's efforts this year to raise $100 billion to replenish its financing fund for the world's poorest countries, the International Development Association (IDA).

The 26 poorest economies studied, which have annual per-capita incomes of less than $1,145, are increasingly reliant on IDA grants and near-zero interest rate loans as market financing has largely dried up, the World Bank said. Their average debt-to-GDP ratio of 72% is at an 18-year high and half of the group are either in debt distress or at high risk of it.

Most of the countries in the study are in sub-Saharan Africa, from Ethiopia to Chad and Congo, but the list also includes Afghanistan and Yemen, read the report.

Two-thirds of the 26 poorest countries are either in armed conflicts or have difficulty maintaining order because of institutional and social fragility, which inhibit foreign investment, and nearly all export commodities, exposing them to frequent boom-and-bust cycles, the report said.

"At a time when much of the world simply backed away from the poorest countries, IDA has been their lifeline," World Bank chief economist Indermit Gill said in a statement. "Over the past five years, it has poured most of its financial resources into the 26 low-income economies, keeping them afloat through the historic setbacks they suffered."

IDA normally is replenished every three years with contributions from World Bank shareholding countries. It raised a record $93 billion in 2021 and World Bank President Ajay Banga is aiming to exceed that with more than $100 billion in pledges by Dec. 6.

Natural disasters have also taken a greater toll on these countries over the past decade. Between 2011 and 2023, natural disasters were associated with average annual losses of 2% of GDP, five times the average among lower-middle-income countries, pointing to the need for much higher investment, the World Bank said.

The report also recommended that these economies, which have large informal sectors operating outside their tax systems, do more to help themselves. This includes improving tax collections by simplifying taxpayer registration and tax administration and improving the efficiency of public spending.

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Experts to assess environmental and social impact of Mes Aynak copper mine

Officials said that discussions have been held in this regard with the contracted company and a team of domestic experts is going to carry out assessments within three months.



A team of experts will start assessing the environmental and social impact of an operational Mes Aynak copper mine in Logar province, Afghanistan’s National Environmental Protection Agency announced on Monday.

Officials said that discussions have been held in this regard with the contracted company and a team of domestic experts is going to carry out assessments within three months.

"This project has different dimensions. One of them is related to the Ministry of Mines and Petroleum, which should proceed according to their principles. Second, there are antiquities in the area and the Ministry of Information and Culture is working according to its principles over vulnerability. Our principle is that [the mining company] MCC must comply with environmental standards,” said Zain al-Abidin Abid, the technical deputy chief of the National Environmental Protection Agency.

Ministry of Mines and Petroleum officials stated that they will assess the environmental effects in cultural and economic fields.

"At each stage, it is necessary to have separate plans in accordance with the norms in the environmental protection area. Another issue is that for the reconstruction in the mining area, which is a very important step, global effective standards should be included in the environmental and social impact assessment report,” said Hamidullah Habibi, head of Aynak copper mining project department at the Ministry of Mines and Petroleum.

Officials of the contracted company emphasized that they are ready to cooperate with officials on the environmental assessment.

Mes Aynak copper deposit is located 40 km southeast of Kabul in Logar province. It is the world's second largest copper deposit.


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Qatar and Germany review situation in Afghanistan

Qatar’s foreign ministry, the diplomats reviewed the latest developments in Afghanistan, with particular focus on security, humanitarian, economic, and political issues



Qatar’s special envoy for foreign affairs met with Germany's ambassador to Doha and other high-ranking German diplomats on Sunday to discuss the situation in Afghanistan. 

Faisal bin Abdullah Al Hanzab, Special Envoy of Qatar’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, met with Lothar Freischlader, Ambassador of Germany to Qatar; Rolf Dieter Reinhard, Head of the German Liaison Office for Afghanistan in Doha and Acting Chargé d'Affaires of the German Embassy in Afghanistan.

According to Qatar’s foreign ministry, the diplomats reviewed the latest developments in Afghanistan, with particular focus on security, humanitarian, economic, and political issues.

Qatar, which has hosted the political office of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan for many years, has been instrumental in helping Afghanistan in the political, educational and medical fields, as well as in rebuilding and reactivating Kabul International Airport following the withdrawal of US troops.

Just last week, Qatar called on the international community to not  ignore the improved security situation in Afghanistan and other positive realities.

At a meeting with Afghanistan’s Foreign Minister Mawlawi Amir Khan Muttaqi, Qatar’s Special Envoy for Afghanistan Mutlaq bin Majed Al Qahtani, stressed the need to maintain good international relations with Afghanistan.

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