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Coronavirus updates: positive cases in Afghanistan hike to 607



(Last Updated On: )

The Ministry of Public Health confirmed that 52 new positive cases of Coronavirus have been registered in Afghanistan.

The Ministry added that out of 52  cases, 28 cases are from Kabul, 8 Kandahar, 7 Herat, and the rest are from some other provinces.

The Ministry of Public Health recorded 52 new cases of Coronavirus in the past 24 hours in Afghanistan – Kabul 28, Kandahar 8, Herat 7, Balkh 4, Bamiyan 2, Nangarhar 1, Helmand and Paktia 1 raising the total number of COVID-29 cases in Afghanistan to 607.

Wahidullah Mayar, MoPH Spokesperson said, “We see everyone the same. It doesn’t matter where they are from or what language they speak. We don’t act with discrimination.”

The Ministry of Interior Affairs talked about new and serious restrictions regarding the people gathering in Kabul.

Tariq Arian, MoIA Spokesperson said, “Police are responsible to prevent the people commuting and walking around. There are restrictions on people entering and leaving Kabul.”

This comes as the European Union donated 117 Million Euros to Afghanistan in order to fight COVID-19. A part of this aid will be spent on the refugees coming back from Pakistan and Iran.

The Ministry of Public Health said that so far 19 people died of Coronavirus in Afghanistan, while 38 others recovered.


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