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Construction of Mes Aynak copper mine road gets underway

Baradar said the project was one of the most important and vital projects in the country, but it has suffered a long delay.



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The construction of the Mes Aynak road in Logar province started on Wednesday in the presence of senior officials of the Islamic Emirate and Chinese officials.

Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, the deputy prime minister for economic affairs, said the project was one of the most important and vital projects in the country, but it has suffered a long delay.

According to a statement from the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs, Baradar assured the officials of the contracting company that there were enough materials inside Afghanistan to destroy the toxic substances during processing and that the problem had been completely resolved and there were no obstacles to the practical work of the project.

He added that he had instructed Da Afghanistan Bank, the country’s central bank, to cooperate with the contracting company over the transfer of the project’s funds.

He also assured the contracting company of the full security of the project.

The ceremony was attended by Hedayatullah Badri, Acting Minister of Mines and Petroleum, Khairullah Khairkhwa, Acting Minister of Information and Culture, Deputy Minister of Information and Culture of China, Chinese Ambassador to Afghanistan, director and technical team of Mes Aynak contracting company MCC and representatives of the private sector.

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UN Security Council condemns IEA’s morality law

UN Security Council members urged the IEA to swiftly reverse all the policies and practices that restrict women and girls of their human rights and fundamental freedoms.



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The UN Security Council on Friday condemned the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’s (IEA) morality law, calling on the international community to use its influence to push for an immediate reversal of policies that target Afghan women.

Twelve out of 15 UN Security Council members in a statement condemned “in the strongest terms” the IEA’s restrictions on women and girls in Afghanistan. China, Russia and Algeria did not back the statement.

A diplomat has told The National that Russia and China had said it would be “unfair” to make a judgement on an internal Afghan matter.

UN Security Council members urged the IEA to swiftly reverse all the policies and practices that restrict women and girls of their human rights and fundamental freedoms.

“The Taliban (IEA) need to listen and respond to the voices of Afghan women and girls by respecting their rights to education and for women, to work as well as the freedoms of expression and movement,” said Japan’s ambassador to the UN, Yamazaki Kazuyuki, on behalf of the 12 council members.

“It is a prerequisite for a stable, peaceful and prosperous Afghanistan.”

The council members further emphasised that the IEA’s actions undermine international efforts to engage with them, citing a meeting with UN special envoys in Doha two months ago.

This comes as the IEA has said that laws are made according to the Islamic rules, which should be respected.

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Khyber Pakhtunkhwa CM wants to hold talks with IEA over security

The chief minister said peace in the province was linked to a peaceful Afghanistan.



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Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Ali Amin Khan Gandapur said on Thursday that he had requested the authorities for permission to hold talks with the Afghan government for peace in the province.

“If my request is not considered, I, as the chief minister of KP, will lead our tribal elders to Afghanistan for a dialogue with the interim government,” Gandapur told a tribal jirga at the Chief Minister’s House on Thursday, according to an official statement, Dawn newspaper reported.

The chief minister said peace in the province was linked to a peaceful Afghanistan.

He stressed the need for a clear policy and timeline to eliminate militancy.

“I’ll soon call a meeting of the provincial apex committee on this matter,” he said.

Gandapur urged authorities to take people on board before launching any military offensive against militancy and said no war could be won without the people’s support.

Pakistani officials have repeatedly claimed that the attacks in this country are orchestrated in Afghanistan and the Islamic Emirate should hand over the TTP leaders to Islamabad.

The Islamic Emirate, however, rejected these claims and said that Afghanistan is not responsible for Pakistan’s “security failure”.

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Kyrgyzstan confirms removal of IEA from list of banned groups

In a statement, the ministry said that the decision was made following thorough review and comprehensive evaluation by the competent state authorities.



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Kyrgyzstan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed Friday that a decision was made to remove the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan from the list of banned groups.

In a statement, the ministry said that the decision was made following thorough review and comprehensive evaluation by the competent state authorities.In a statement, the ministry said that the decision was made following thorough review and comprehensive evaluation by the competent state authorities.

“This decision aims to enhance regional stability and support ongoing dialogue,” the statement said. “The Kyrgyz Republic remains committed to supporting the efforts of the international community aimed at ensuring a stable and peaceful environment in Afghanistan and the region as a whole.”

IEA had announced two days ago that its name had been removed from the list of banned groups in Kyrgyzstan.

IEA’s foreign ministry had said that this will significantly enhance and advance diplomatic relations between the two nations.

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