
Commerce ministry steps up efforts to grow export market



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The Ministry of Commerce and Industry says that they have increased marketing efforts for domestic products to be sold on global markets.

Officials said markets of Central Asia and Russia are viable markets for Afghan goods and that they are trying to hold expos in these countries.

They also said that large expos of Afghan products will be held in Uzbekistan, Russia and Kazakhstan in the near future. Nooruddin Azizi, the acting minister of commerce and industry, said his ministry has increased marketing efforts in order to supply foreign markets with domestic products. He said Central Asia and Russia have proved to be stable markets for local goods.

Meanwhile, the Afghanistan Chamber of Commerce and Investment (ACCI) said there is no doubt that the markets of Central Asia and Russia are among the best markets for exported goods, but that the Islamic Emirate should pave the way for more exports and for technical issues to be resolved.

Economic experts believe that the marketing of Afghan products in global markets is one of the most important responsibilities of the relevant institutions in the government so that Afghanistan’s trade with other countries can flourish.

Afghanistan currently has good trade relations with Central Asian countries, and if these relations expand, more goods will be exported from Afghanistan, experts have said.


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