
Chaman-Boldak crossing into Pakistan reopens



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The Pakistani embassy in Kabul has announced that the Chaman-Boldak crossing between Afghanistan and Pakistan reopened on Tuesday.

Pakistan’s ambassador to Kabul, Mansoor Ahmad Khan, tweeted that the Chaman-Boldak crossing would be open to the public from Tuesday, following talks between the two countries’ border officials.

“Chaman-Boldak Gate is now open. Pedestrian and trade vehicles started crossing. We welcome Afghan fruit trucks moving to Pakistan. Urge all concerned on both sides to devote their energies to ensure smooth movement of people and trucks,” Ahmad Khan tweeted.

“Pakistan has waived off visa processing charges by NADRA for Afghan citizens up to 31 December 2021. This is in pursuance of the decision of the Prime Minister of Pakistan to facilitate Afghan nationals’ travel to Pakistan,” Ahmad Khan tweeted.

A resident who lives near the crossing said that traffic started moving early Tuesday through the crossing.


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