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CEO Abdullah Abdullah Invited Afghans in Unity, Integration

National Unity Government CEO Abdullah Abdullah who had attended 10th of Muharam day (Ashora) ceremony in one of the Mosques in Kabul on Saturday, invited all Afghans to be united, stand against any conspiracy of the enemies.
Mr. Abdullah had further mentioned that by getting united we will improve the moral of Afghan National Security forces to our defeat enemies.
CEO Abdullah Abdullah who had attended the Ashora ceremony while giving speech said,” we assure the enemies of Afghanistan that we will be defeat them by getting united, integration of the Nation,we will also neutralize any plots of the enemies by having the Afghan Nation’s support with.”
Meanwhile the second deputy of CEO of National unity Government Mohamamd Mohaqiq said,” Islamic state terrorists are even worse than Taliban, killing of human beings is kind of worship to them,since they have appeared in Afghanistan, they have burned mosques, destroyed all the historical ancients,receiving military equipments and supports somehow by the Islam enemies provoking them to kill Afghans.”
Karbala event is 14 century old from that time the Islam history has remembered this day as the day of getting united and integrated against our enemies.
Reported by AbdulAziz Karimi